Japanese Language instructors

The Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) Shiga, Japan

The Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) invites applications for qualified Japanese Language instructors to join the faculty of our living/learning center in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. These are full-time, annually renewable positions with an anticipated January 6, 2025, start date. On the fifth renewal, you will undergo a review for a non-term confirmed employee (無期雇用契約). Your appointment is guaranteed until either the date of your retirement or chosen date of resignation from the position.

Since its establishment in 1989 on the shores of Lake Biwa, JCMU has been a beacon of the strong sister-state relationship between the State of Michigan and Shiga Prefecture. JCMU has a rich history of welcoming students from institutions across the United States and around the world, making it a prestigious institution. For more information, please visit http://jcmu.isp.msu.eduhttp://jcmu.isp.msu.edu or https://www.jcmu.nethttps://www.jcmu.net.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates are expected to hold a Master’s degree or Ph.D. in Japanese language pedagogy or a related field, demonstrate native or near-native fluency in Japanese, and have an excellent command of English to fulfill administrative duties. Additionally, candidates need to demonstrate proficiency in relevant technologies for language instruction. Moreover, candidates should have over two years of experience teaching Japanese as a foreign language at the collegiate level. Experience as a TA does not count towards these two years of teaching experience. Preferably, candidates should have experience teaching all levels of Japanese classes, from beginner to advanced, at U.S. colleges, whether in the U.S. or a study abroad program in Japan, coordinating course development, syllabus creation, material preparation, and teaching plans.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Faculty members teach various Japanese language courses for students studying abroad at all four levels. In addition to teaching, faculty responsibilities include student advising, curriculum development, participation in student activities and ceremonies, and service to the Center. Faculty are expected to be active in the international academic community for Japanese language teaching and pedagogy.

COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS: Salary is commensurate with qualifications and includes standard Japanese social welfare benefits. JCMU faculty and staff have the option to reside within the Center’s dormitory on the JCMU campus in Hikone, which includes standard (single) accommodations and deluxe (multi-room family) apartments. Housing will be assigned by the JCMU administration based on availability and employee request. If you choose to live in a standard apartment at JCMU, you will be provided rent-free housing at the Center, which will include basic furniture, appliances, and utensils. Should a family apartment be available, and you are approved for an upgrade, you will be charged rent at a set rate. Regardless of apartment type, you will be responsible for your own utility expenses (i.e., gas, water, electricity, and telephone), and personal property liability insurance.


  1. Document requirements: You can write it in either English or Japanese.
    • Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V.
    • Cover Letter
    • Teaching philosophy
    • Sample Syllabi – Sample syllabi for at least two different levels of language instruction.
    • Two lesson plans, materials for the classes for which you are submitting the syllabi.
    • If possible: Statement of Teaching Effectiveness – Quantitative data and samples of qualitative data from teaching evaluations.
  2. Additional requirements

After the first screening, you will be asked to provide additional requirements:

    • 3 professional references, including email addresses. These referees will receive an email and send us a recommendation letter on your behalf. Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V.
    • One unedited video of classroom language teaching demo with a brief description of the class: You also need to submit a recording of a class. Please upload the video to SNS such as YouTube and send us the link by email providing the short description of the class.

VIA EMAIL: Send all required materials in PDF format to ynishizawa@jcmu.org ,Yuko Nishizawa, with the subject line: Japanese Language Instructor Application and your full name.

Application Deadline: Friday, 30 August 2024 (Japan Time)

May 10, 2024
August 30, 2024