The AATJ Lifetime Achievement Awards honor members of AATJ who have demonstrated a lifetime of achievement in Japanese education at the national and international level. The award is presented at the AATJ Annual Spring Conference, but it is intended to be awarded only when there is a deserving candidate who meets strict criteria. The Lifetime Achievement Award may be given posthumously.

Laurel Rasplica Rodd, 2015

Seiichi Makino, 2017

Naomi Hanaoka McGloin, 2019
Nominees for the AATJ Lifetime Achievement Awards should meet the following criteria:
Years of distinguished service: The award is for lifetime achievement rather than for a one-time contribution, no matter how substantial. Nominees should have a minimum of 25 years of distinguished service to Japanese education.
Areas of Distinction: The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented for achievement in leadership, service, teaching, and research (in the case of a nominee who holds a position in higher education). Distinction can be demonstrated through:
- service to AATJ such as: offices held, committee memberships, special projects, meetings, publications;
- service beyond the requirements of the nominee’s job at the state, and national/international level;
- creation of scholarly publications, textbooks, and other relevant materials and programs that have made significant impact on Japanese education at the national/international level.
Nominators may be anyone familiar with the nominee’s career. Nominators must be current members of AATJ. Current members of the AATJ board are not eligible to be nominated for this award. Nominations should be kept confidential.
Normally, not more than two awards per year will be given.
November 30, 2024.
Each nomination submission should be supported by a letter of nomination and up to three letters of recommendation that speak to the nominee’s distinction. The nomination (as one PDF document) is to be submitted electronically to by the deadline. Nominations will be kept on file and reconsidered each year for five years. Nomination materials may be updated annually (optional). Nominations may be withdrawn (by the nominators) at any time.
❏ Letter of Nomination.
The letter of nomination should describe attributes and contributions of the nominee in the three areas of distinction listed above. It should also include the name, address, and email address of the nominee; the name, address, email address and signature of the nominator; and the names of the authors of the letters of recommendation.
❏ Letters of Recommendation.
Up to three letters of recommendation may be included. Letters of recommendation should focus on the quality rather than the quantity of the performance of the nominee, emphasizing the distinction of the nominee’s performance.
Note: It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure that nomination submissions are complete with the letter of nomination and the letters of recommendation. Incomplete packets greatly decrease a nominee’s chance of receiving the award. It is also the nominator’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the nomination until the award review process completes.
A selection committee of three members, which may include AATJ Board members, will be appointed by the AATJ officers, and examines the dossiers submitted and chooses the recipient(s). The past recipients of the AATJ Lifetime Achievement Awards may be invited to serve on the selection committee.
Recipients are notified by early January. An official letter from AATJ will be sent to the recipient, as well as to the head of the recipient’s affiliated school or unit (e.g. Principal, Superintendent, Department Chair, Dean). The announcement will be made in the AATJ Newsletter and on the AATJ Website.