- There is no length requirement, but the editors have noted that it is difficult to find reviewers for submissions exceeding 10,000 words.
- On the first page, indicate the title. Include an abstract (maximum length of 200 words) for non-literature submissions. Do not include any information in the submission which may be used to identify the author(s). Do not include keywords in the abstract for abstracting services.
- Submit your article electronically through our electronic portal at https://jll.pitt.edu. First, register yourself there as an author, and then upload your article. The appropriate editor will contact you.
- Tables and figures and other illustrations can either be incorporated into the manuscript or sent as separate files. If they are in separate files, please be sure to label them consistently (i.e., the reference to the table or figure in the text must match the name of the file), and upload them in the same way as the manuscript.
- Monochrome (b/w) photographs will be acceptable. Color photographs will be printed in monochrome. If you send a photograph, please scan it into a JPEG file.
- All copyright permission for illustrations and other copyrighted material for publication should be secured by the author prior to publication. The Association and Journal editors will not be responsible for securing proper copyright clearances. When illustrations and photographs are submitted to the Journal, we will assume that you have made necessary arrangements for the Journal to use them.
- Follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, for literature articles; otherwise use MLA style. See also the JLL Style Sheet notes on this website.
- Use endnotes, not footnotes. Please use the footnoting function of the word processing software.
- Set the text in a 12-point font. Double-space all material, including notes, bibliography, abstract, etc.
- Set margins 1” from all sides, so that the manuscript is printable on U.S. Letter size or A4 paper.
- Provide consecutive page numbers.
- When an article is provisionally accepted for publication, you will be asked to make revisions in view of the feedback comments your submission received. When the editor is satisfied that the revised manuscripts is ready, it will be forwarded to the general editor who will prepare the article for publication. The final page proof will be sent to you for inspection and correction before the journal goes to press.
- You will be asked to provide the journal a short biographical statement. Please look at past issues of JLL for samples that others have done.
- After the journal is printed, you may request receive a PDF file of your article that can be used to comply with reprint requests. We cannot supply offprints of your article.
- If mistakes are found in the published journal, corrected PDF pages will be posted on the ATJ website and/or sent out by e-mail to the membership. The Journal will not print ERRATA sheets or pages.
Japanese Language and Literature Manuscript Preparation2013-06-27T11:05:03-06:00