
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

The 2022 JLPT will be held on Sunday, December 4. There will be 17 testing locations, and all 5 levels of the test, from N1 to N5, will be offered at each location. We will be able to accommodate almost 6,000 test takers – many more than at the 2021 test.

Nengajo Contest Deadline

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, and the Rabbit is the subject of AATJ’s 2022/2023 Nengajo Contest. The submissions are due on or before 12am on Friday, December 30, 2022. Please see the instructions for info.

National Japanese Exam (NJE) Registration

Registration Period: 1/3/2023 - 2/3/2023 Late Registration Period: 2/6/2023 - 2/17/2023 Exam Period:  2/22/2023 - 4/15/2023 More information

2023 Annual Spring Conference

The 2023 Annual Spring Conference is scheduled to be held in person on Thursday, March 16, 2023, in Boston, in conjunction with the 2023 Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting.

2023 JLPT Registration Opens in August

US registration opens at 9AM PDT in a staggered sequence: N1: August 7 (Mon) N2: August 10 (Thu) N3: August 17 (Thu) N4: August 19 (Sat) N5: August 21 (Mon) Registration closes when all seats are FULL OR on September 19 (Tue) at 5PM PDT, whichever is sooner. Please visit for more information.  


AATJ/JFLA webinar: ChatGPT and AI Teaching and Learning, Part 1

Workshop Leader: Y.-H. Tohsaku (University of California, San Diego). Facilitator: Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, AATJ Professional Development Director (California State University, Monterey Bay) Session 1: What is ChatGPT and how does it affect the classroom and education? (October 7, 2023)  Register here In this session, we will discuss what ChatGPT is, how it works, and what it can do. We will also explore some of the major issues of education incorporating AI, such as hallucination, bias, and creativity. Finally, we will discuss significant challenges and limitations that educators must address in order to maintain the fundamental goal of education.

AATJ/JFLA webinar: ChatGPT and AI Teaching and Learning, Part 2

Workshop Leader: Y.-H. Tohsaku (University of California, San Diego). Facilitator: Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, AATJ Professional Development Director (California State University, Monterey Bay) Session 2: Effective AI strategies to engage your learners and enhance their learning in the Japanese classroom (October 21, 2023)   Register here In this session, we will discuss how we can leverage ChatGPT and other AI tools to strengthen our teaching and enhance our students' learning. We will explore specific strategies that can be used in face-to-face and online learning settings as well as effective engineering and assessment strategies in the new AI-infused classroom.

2023 AATJ Fall Conference

The 2023 AATJ Fall Conference will be held, in conjunction with the ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, on November 17-19, 2023, in Chicago, IL.

Nengajo 2024 Submissions

Nengajo 2024 submissions are due December 30 for the Year of the Dragon. View the Rules and Lesson Plans Submission Form Renew Membership

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