American Association of Teachers of Japanese

The American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) is a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to promoting the study of the Japanese language, linguistics, literature, culture, and pedagogy at all levels of instruction in the United States. AATJ was formed in 2012 through the merger of two national organizations: the Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ), founded in 1963, and the National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT), founded in 1992.

AATJ supports professional development, advances Japanese and foreign language education, and facilitates research exchange. It collaborates with related organizations, including a network of state and regional affiliates, to promote Japanese studies.

AATJ’s objectives include:

  • Encouraging collaboration and exchange among teachers, scholars, and students in fields such as Japanese language pedagogy, linguistics, literature, and cultural studies, while fostering research and broadening knowledge of Japan and its culture.
  • Promoting the exchange of ideas, information, and experiences through conferences, seminars, publications, and other activities.
  • Supporting research-based approaches to Japanese language and culture education by enhancing teaching expertise, intellectual depth, and professional excellence.
  • Engaging with regional, national, and international developments in Japanese studies and related areas.

To achieve these goals, AATJ organizes various events and initiatives, including two annual conferences, professional development programs, teaching awards, and student opportunities. It publishes quarterly newsletters and Japanese Language and Literature, its biannual journal, maintains partnerships with regional and state affiliates, and administers programs such as the National Japanese Exam (NJE), the Japanese National Honor Society (JNHS), the Nengajo Contest, and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). AATJ also provides job listings, study abroad resources, and scholarship information.

For more information, please visit

全米日本語教育学会(American Association of Teachers of Japanese




  • 日本語教育、言語学、文学、文化研究などの分野で、教師、研究者、学生の交流と協力を促進し、研究活動を支援するとともに、日本および日本文化に関する知識の深化を図る。
  • 学会、セミナー、出版物などを通じて、会員同士の意見交換や情報共有の機会を提供する。
  • 日本語と日本文化の教育において、研究に基づく指導法の開発を奨励し、教育者の指導力や専門性の向上を支援する。
  • 日本研究や関連分野の国内外の動向に対応し、発展に貢献する。


AATJは、これらの目的を達成するために、さまざまなイベントや取り組みを行っています。主な活動には、年2回の学会開催、セミナーなど専門能力育成プログラム、優秀な指導者やプログラムの表彰、学生向けプログラムなどがあります。また、四半期ごとのニュースレターや、学術誌 Japanese Language and Literature(年2回発行)の刊行、各州・地域の団体との連携を行っています。さらに、全米日本語試験(NJE)、全米日本語優等生協会(JNHS)、年賀状コンテスト、日本語能力試験(JLPT)などのプログラムを実施し、求人情報、留学支援、奨学金情報の提供も行っています。
