Welcome to Nengajo!

We slithered into the Year of the Snake with our 2025 Nengajo contest. As with every year, this contest was open to original artwork by students from any level from elementary to college/university.

The AATJ Nengajo Contest is a nationwide contest for students in elementary school, middle school, high school, and university. All participants receive a certificate of participation. Winners at each level in each category also receive certificates and prizes from AATJ.

The Nengajo Contest is an excellent advocacy and teaching opportunity for your program. Many students love artistic pursuits, and this is their chance to shine in your class. It also represents an excellent chance to practice language and culture.

There are four categories for entries: Artistic, Comical, Encouragement, and Computer Generated. View the detailed descriptions of the four categories.

To get started: Review the rules and download a sample lesson plan for working with students on their New Year’s cards.


You need to be a member of AATJ for the current calendar year (January-December) in order to nominate your students. If there is more than one AATJ member at your school, each member can nominate a total of 8 students (2 students per category.) Please check your membership status before submitting the cards.

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY. To get started, please enter information about you and your school using this online form. Then, upload the cards and submit them.

Certificates of participation will be awarded to each student whose card was submitted.

Gift certificates for Amazon.com along with certificates will be awarded to all the winners.

Further details about the winners, their schools, and their teachers will be featured in the AATJ Newsletter.

If you have a question, please contact the Contest Director, Mako Nozu, at mnozu@usf.edu.

Nengajo Hall of Fame